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Standing in the playground I look at the people and wonder...

Questions stack like Lego blocks.

But who do I ask?

Who do I turn to so that I can understand, because it’s not that I am incapable... Just missing the information I need to understand.

“How does the playground get so loud?”

“How do people start conversations with people they don’t know?”

“How can you get to know a stranger if you don’t know how much of them you will get to know?”

“How do I know that someone I choose to randomly talk to will understand me?”

“How do you make friends with people that don’t just drop into your life and choose to stay”

“When looking people in the eye has been made uncomfortable, when you are surrounded by people, where do you look?”

“How do I know the staff and teachers will understand my concerns and worries as an autistic person?”

“Why does being me, feel so isolating when people are around me”

“Will I ever feel fully comfortable in a world that I don’t understand”

“Will this kind of environment ever feel okay to be in?”

“Will being a good father and being there to just see the smile when my daughter comes out of school, ever feel as good as it should feel?”

All my best and love


I have a chapter to finish writing, a collaboration for a book about human rights. Plus I am preparing for creating a video for TED-X early next week. For those reasons I putting my last post for the week out early and may not be online for the next couple of days so I can focus on writing. Take care everyone

Words – Ross A Fraser

Graphic Design App – Canva

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When the doctor said Emma might be autistic everything changed. I remembered my life and feared for her future. I began living an autistic life and changed my parenting style. It's an adjustment. A lot of trial and error to figure out how to properly support her. I am learning as I go and watching her grow into a beautiful, strong, confident little girl. She is the reason I fight for our rights. Accepting my autistic self and fighting for the community had given her a mom to be proud of. When I started this journey I made a video while wearing a mask showing others how a simple adjustment can help others communicate. I was absolutely terrified to share it. So what do I do? I go to my daughter and ask her why she thinks mommy should do this. Her response: "because it will help the world, it will help me." From that moment on there was no turning back. I spread knowledge and seek out others on a similar mission because I want to build a better world for her. Nothing will ever change if we sit idly by as others suffer. I believe we all have a role to play in building a brighter future. So what can you do to positively impact others? That should be a goal we try to achieve every day. This is Me - Jeni Curtis ❤️ 🫂 ❤️ Be You - find your purpose

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