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Advent Day 5

Mylifeautistic advent calendar

Day 5

What I love about the locations we have, is they want to do what they can to include the autistic community. To show that we all belong, and that differences shouldn’t separate us.

Inclusion and acceptance is incredibly important. Because not getting that can mean you don’t get the same kind of relationships, friendship, experiences and life. That you feel different because you see others getting to experience life in a different way than you get to.

I am really glad to be able to include a high school on our advent calendar. I think creating a welcoming and accepting school environment for all children is so important. A child’s education is vital, but so is being able to interact and be yourself in school, without masking. Without feeling out of place or like you have to hide. Being free to grow up as an unmasked autistic person, who has always been accepted...

Ask any late diagnosed adult, that’s life changing,

Thank you so much to The James Young High School, Livingston for getting involved and proudly showing your support for our extended autistic family, our community.

All our best and love

Ross and Jeni


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