This seems like perfect timing after yesterday’s post. Dinner had just finished and when I was clearing the dishes away I heard it. The unmistakable sound of Christmas. Seasonal songs echoing in the air, reverberating between the buildings.
I have stayed in this town for a few years now, so I knew what it was, Santa was coming. I called for Megan, who was in her room at the time. Within a minute or two she had her shoes on and was off down the garden path. Being slower I was a few minutes behind her by the time I got my jacket, shoes and walking stick.
I got to Santa just as Megan was heading back. She had been given a favourite sweet and had a huge smile. This is what I love about Christmas, that look in a child’s eye and a smile that doesn’t fade.
They were just leaving as I got to them, so I asked if they could pull over so I could get a photo. It’s a small thing but the last couple of years, while unmasking. I found the feel of Christmas I used to get a long time ago. A connection to a feeling that defined Christmas when I was young. It was lovely, cold, but lovely.
All our best and love
Ross Fraser and Jeni Dern
Words – Ross Fraser
Graphic Design App – Canva
In association with Service Graphics and Maryculter House, Aberdeenshire.
There is a Christmas tradition in the town I live in. Shortly before Christmas, Santa comes round on a trailer towed by a car. Last night I went out with my daughter to watch Santa go by. It was just a moment, one shared with her, but it felt like a wonderful moment.