How do you define a person? Do you go by what they own? How much money they have accumulated over their lifetime? Do you go by looks, culture or identity. Definition of what it is to be one human being in this world is indefinable because the human experience is eclectic. The value of a mind is often lost in the view of this material world. Respect has to be earned, access to people conditional on boundaries, perception and personal walls; which can feel like a mountain to scale. Straightforward people are often lost in the perception of others that can be more complex. Trust seems almost unobtainable in this modern world. A world more connected online but too often distanced offline. I live in a world where I have to fight for ownership of the perception of my own identity. Where to be understood I have to put all my cards clearly on the table. Because all too often people folded for me saying I don't have a hand. I've been called lazy, uneducated, a deeply offensive person. However, perceptional reality is not reality. It's looking through a keyhole in a world full of doors. My truth is simply this. I understand what it's like to have your life put at risk. I know what living in fear for decades feels like. I have never been to war but have woken with my mind convinced I've been set on fire thousands of times because of c-PTSD. I was also only given the chance to start to understand myself aged 41. Being told I was autistic at 41 wasn't devastating, genuinely it was a freeing feeling. It released the imposed perception so I could finally be and see me. I had been out of work for 13 years, living off basic benefits. I published a book which after a few months I took off sale despite being considered for an international world record. I put aside my own needs to support the needs of others. One day I will need to try to improve my situation but until then I focus on the greatest good. Putting value back into people, supporting my community and help to build our generations legacy. In 18 months I have not only created the first "autism friendly traditional picture book". Created a global autism acceptance campaign. Built the mylifeautistic website and made public the new life autistic campaign. I have also been in media 13 times (unpaid). Had over 300,000 views on Facebook despite not really ever interacting online. Learned to finally have conversations and how to communicate finally at 42. Having lived a life without my voice and with a void was where people should have been. Helped create understanding, changed perceptions and empowered autistic people. I'm working on creating the first online platform for autistic people and caregivers. Creating music and media, content directed at autistic people. Filling the void so my community feels a part of this world. I campaign as a human rights activist for the autistic and neurodivergent community. As well as creating a mental health support appeal for Ukrainian refugees which was shared by Shelter, Amnesty international and many other groups/organisations. I work 20 hour days, unpaid, have put hundreds of pounds of my own money, into creating something to give to the community. In September other advocates will take control and I take a back seat after 2 years focused solely on this. This, all of this, was never for me but was for the community. Potentially as many as 40-50 million autistic people. How do you define me, well, I don’t even know how to do that, and it's my life. Maybe I'm just indefinable. All the best Ross Words – Ross A Fraser Graphic Design App – #NewLifeAutistic
It was suggested since my diagnosis was 18 months ago this past Monday that I write a summary post for the blog. I'll be back posting again tomorrow, take care everyone.