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Au-thentic Music

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Simon Cowell I won’t take up much of your time. The last time I tagged you in, it was only to make you aware. To understand me, you just need to understand how I view this. Credit for what I do is unimportant, the outcome for the community is what’s important. Autistic people being included and feeling part of this world, and accepted, that matters. Well, this could not only change lives but the world too. Intrigued? I have a pitch for you, all I ask is for your consideration and 3 conditions met. 1. Autistic people are involved and their real voice heard (help our confidence build and be authentic). 2. You dedicate a portion of the profits to help support Au-thentic (an online platform for autistic people and caregivers) as well as peer led groups and organisations/charities around the world. 3. Whatever is required is provided (including mental health needs, as they may have undiagnosed PSTD) and will be individual needs, for individual people. This is so that the autistic person/people involved have the required tools to succeed. Ok now to the pitch: There is authentic music for a neurotypical experience. Country and Soul music for example, but we don’t have that. There is very little music aimed at autistic people, a population that could realistically be 40-50 million people. I see that as a huge void but let me present it to you in another way. A lack of inclusion has left a massive gap in the market. Something that would speak to both autistic people and those that care and love them. Create a new musical genre, Au-thentic music. You will not only be supporting the community. Be able to launch new careers, rerelease songs you already have rights to but from our perspective. Help empower the community, help us process emotions better by having media with a deeper connection. Actually..., never mind, I could honestly give you countless reasons why I think you should do this. Can you give me one why you shouldn’t? New artists New genre Unlimited possibilities... I am tagging you into this post, as well as my posts tomorrow and the next day. The following posts will be rewritten songs I haven’t posted before. After that I will simply wait and hope I hear from you. Thank you so for your time and for your consideration. Please feel free to share any of my posts and please like or follow to be notified of future posts. All the best Ross Words – Ross A Fraser Graphic Design App – Canva #NewLifeAutistic

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